
Showing posts from February, 2014

Lipstick six Kindle $0.99 cents

                                                             Lipstick six Kindle $0.99 cents Here is an excerpt. $0.99 cents on kindle. Plus leave a review for a change at a $25 dollar gift card..... “You are falling for him? Be careful. Creative ones like him have a higher commitment. They are great lovers. Most creative o nes get bored with relationships easy. Not saying it cannot be done. Plus, with you being a writer, this could be a real help to you,” Joanna replies as she looks to see how she reacts. “I am not sure if I am falling for him or if it’s just this whole setting and how things occurred, but when he walked in the shop this morning, I do have to say, he sparked something in me,” Leah says as she walks out of the bathroom. “Leah, don’t move too quickly here. We just shared him. Enjoy this moment and then look to see if something is to come of this.” Joanna says as she turns from the mirror, talking through the door.

A bottled love

A bottled love In the sleepy dream Soft sea air Dolphins playing in the distance Sun rays gently warming A stunning glimmer in a distance The white sand caresses The twinkle seemed like the essence of that little star Walked closer what seemed to be hours Never getting closer as this waded to the blue sea The dolphins disappeared Ran as fast as the legs could do The twinkle has started to fade in the water Rush through the waves trying to reach The current to strong A short glimmer and a twinkle Moved side to side A way to say good bye in a dream Like in the reality of life Never in reach only seen a distance A bottled love 

The contamination effect (A rant)

The contamination effect (A rant) Yes the world has many organisms Good for humans and bad for humans Business has become the fear of unknown From keeping real education away Taught to fear then after judgment, religize it See how the money sways in the wind Behind the scenes the ones reap this Of course conspiracy The money rains down with the sunshine of power Duped by hedging the bet no one will work for the truth Would the very wealthy do this? May be not in the fairy tales Only through the language many read or hear Little smidgets, and like fine candy eating well Gluten free of course it’s the new health way to their bank Pour it down and drink well Only if someone makes a good stiller Yes there is a contaminate Trying to keep from many ways from the manipulation They can’t scare you they find others to blame Give them esoteric things to squabble over When some start seeing the man behind the curtain When reality becomes only real

Endearment, at the end of course

Endearment, at the end of course In the end that’s when most seem to care Taking the granted for the illusion Everything doesn’t last forever Say it now or don’t play the fool later Irritating and really too late A wish is only something that will become a magician’s trick Grab what you can and share with others who fear live The here and now twisted into a psychotic thriller Many play the what if, why, and there is no way Games, music and pretty pictures keep animals calm Then claim there is no way to choose And proudly disclaim, words look like work Is it the give me and if there is any more I’ll take it society? A cynical view may weigh more than gold Lost is the imagination esteem For the herds take the adventure While the lonely one finds the true pilgrimage To the unanswered desires A true selfie, only for the mind’s mirror Endearment, at the end of course