
Showing posts from June, 2016

A thought I just had

Had a crazy thought I wonder what the gunsmiths or factory workers feel about what they crafted has caused so much death. I mean if they take pride in it, is more scary than one can imagine. I know they need to live, but it is something to think about. I bet the employees of these blood for profit makers have a strong confidential clause contract. This is just a thought for I know my conscious would drive me nuts if I knew may hands help build one of those.

A beginning of a new story that's in the works

Me, balls need!!! Ugh! A tall hideous looking man in a deep almost beastly voice repeats.     Ben Matisse hears this as he opens the door to the coffee shop. He looks down at the address he wrote on a piece of scrap paper along with Doctor Remme note and sees so much oddity.     “Fred! Not now we are in the blind being side, the man in a seventies looking polyester suit says in a soft and unemotional voice. He seems extremely short, standing next to monstrous man.    Ben slowly approaches the coffee counter as one of the female baristas looks at him in a stare that felt like it went right through him. A weird feeling comes over him.   “No I need balls now!! The tall man grumbles.     A young lady in a dark gray trench coat with dark curly hair and petite body, bumps Ben’s right side as she hastily goes to the two men at the coffee pick-up counter.    “Dad, why did you bring Fred here?” the young lady asks in a parental way. While she puts her hand in her pocket and pulls

Our typical solution (Orlando)

Our typical solution (Orlando)   Another gun tragedy my heart as a human just sank more. The solution in every tragedy like this is more guns. I don’t want guns taken from people, just some real solution with don’t live in a movie where the heroes pull out the grenade launchers and assault guns with expert accuracy. This is real life where you get most through the mail. Or your next door neighbor who wants to sell. Where did we go insane? Throwing more guns in the system hasn’t solved anything yet. In fact it has seemed to escalate. I know this is where the ones who go into denial and say we need this for our protection, which in a very irrational way seems logical. I like to throw out the god factor here some say guns is an obsession, I see this as another religion. Yes I said it, a very violent one, most say they just want guns to protect when all in all the fact is to shoot up things. Become armchair warriors if I was there I would of pulled out the assault rifle and ended it.