
Showing posts from December, 2010

Will 11 make sense?

Will 11 make sense? What is it with consecutive numbers , seems like when I notice the time it’s something like1:11 or 11:11 or even 12:12. Looking for answers have searched a few times but it doesn’t satisfy why I see this. Just know it seems when I think of looking at the time it’s when I see, maybe I’m in a coincidence vortex or something. Or could be 2011 will be a strong and positive year in my life. I wonder if others tend to notice these moments in time or dimension. For the past year and especially the past two months these have popped in my psyche, and I’m not obsessive person, just can’t help when I think to look the time it’s one of those sets of numbers, would love to know the odds on that, and yes I to see 11 after the hour also, well should see when I think on seeing what time it is. Anyways Happy New Year to all and may 2011 be the year that bring you harmony and peace prosperity. Thank you for reading.

Fear brings all

Fear brings all Giving the skinny on a neighbor Keeps everyone safe Safe while losing self A fire started somewhere else Definitely need protection from it A small scare moment let strangers go where only few should Dignity becomes one of those words in an ancient time Masses shaken few get the harassment Must comply it’s for peace of mind you will see Please don’t look behind the curtain King’s payment giving for our saviors Crazy only if you are guilty Papers please So cool in the movies let us make you fear the unknown Change really should be in the pocket Ones who find the perfection in being micro waved Time is an enemy fear is the ads Fear brings all

Look to the new year (click to enlarge)


Silver tongue walk

Silver tongue walk Listened carefully for the point Many words many legs hold this Rubbing the ire lamp Getting the emotional attention Yearn for the meaning of the prose Translation lost by sliding through the enamel Irony holding the suspense to the end Construed many letters many feelings At what end? Candy to only eyes and ears Drama has been had Over the rainbow pot of gold filled with hay Ink on the paper for many others to walk The genie has been released Words fall to all sights Truths through the tongue used as lies Miss the mark Silver tongue walk

Crow and me (dream dec.28)

Crow and me (dream dec.28) In a dream a crow became an acquaintance, friendly soul he was. Though he seemed a bit aggressive kept telling me, no need for a jacket and was pulling at my zipper. This is new to me in my dreams, and since all my books on dreams are in storage totes I can’t get to them to figure this one out. It may be because had stressful day with a huge blizzard, and is telling me to let go of the stress. I look at crows a little bit different than most. Yes they can be annoying but I also see much intelligence in them. They don’t have the majestic style of other birds, or the flesh that would be worth the hunt. If you watch them they do have smartness to them. Almost problem solving when you watch closely. The feeling in the dream was that of calmness just with his persistence of wanting my jacket off. Then my old artist friend showed up in an old mail van loaded with many new paintings and he greeted me on how I was and knew he would find me in the downtown area of

In a snow crystal

In a snow crystal A coldness of brilliant beauty Holding its own persona Bringing warmth to twinkling minds See nature’s art impress all Flavor for the inner peace mystic Complex but simple As with most short lived is the picture Cynics naturally will raise the bar Whether its envy or jealousy Its gotta be better Lack the love for seeing through the spectrum of nature With all the wonders Magic held for seconds in a warm hand Back to where it began nature’s road art Hopes to become another muse For nature in her green ways recreates In a snow crystal



Gold in rules

Gold in rules Committees tend to make these Sometimes lost in feelings Pulse of the masses forget the real thought Reason is rational chronic elitists Watch the thin lines you could get what you want Frantic to decision Logical was last week’s Popsicle flavor Getting a black eye bring us eye for a life Reward the machine Is karma worth thinking? Abstract ways don’t get paid To forgive and learn costs the bottom line Use the register sales galore Getting what ink tells our future While taking hostage the meek New law that’s unwritten keeps all divided Getting what one wants Gold in rules

Prison cell (bedroom)

Prison cell (bedroom) Once again kindness gets me in trouble. Moved in with mom to help her financially, nickname here is called Money Mule. I also inherit debt my deceased father didn’t take care off. Happy times, please don’t be jealous, younger nephew and nieces of course are here, the gratitude is over whelming . I can tell already the envy from your eyes. Stuck here in my cell totes of stuff that well its just stuff but its mine will have to be put somewhere most likely a landfill. By the way this is just a rant. Boxes of other stuff will follow, cause wait here is more. Financially by myself I can handle my own, but couldn’t help mom and keep myself afloat, yeah I know others have it worse. Have one window with a big tree in front of it so I can’t see wheels go by. Everyone can do and enjoy what they want but because my great nieces visit and they sleep in the living room where the big TV is can’t watch will keep them up, and again I say Happy Times. Yes because I’m single, I

Getting back (click to enlarge)


Moving forward while stepping back

Moving forward while stepping back Life and time a fierce foe Change with that little smirk To who is really ready? To begin where you start becomes octagon Realizing the real things are tied with blood Counted to be a corner of family Yes future can be a punch line for life’s clock Joke while looking ahead in the mirror Sprinkle of years in recipes no one cooks Frail smiles at the second hand we live by Room of childhood dreams becomes the guide for maturity Twist of fate gives the young the hand of adult Guidance for the elder Unfortunate times become the steps Moving forward while stepping back

book future with out the text


Tracks in the snow

Tracks in the snow Long and straight Some went left and right, some stood to the side No triangles no circles Many follow to where I don’t know Tempting is the spirit to make your own May get mired, may have others follow At the end their your own Veering off, rattles many nerves When you look back the romance begins Whether you succeed or fail In humor of life the laughter is fuller Breaking the blanket of snow to a jittery future Feet and toes may get cold The heart stays warm and fierce May the determined go through the snow drifts Skittish become courageous Tracks in the snow


Related Ever find a time where everything seems déjà vu This may be the synchronicity event Keeping the mind’s eye open In days of brain is hay wired Anxiety blues wants a deep breath Many count on this to compromise Keeping it cool seems impossible Like a boxer in the ring will keep sticking you Foolish at it sounds Then like a camera flash everything seems to fit Familiar to what you sow Is something that many of us reap with denial that it’s different Planting seeds like this doesn’t make crops strong Swishy washy only brings the waterfall Give all your strength to make the change Standing mind tall puts fears in others Then when all comes around sails will be at full mast Smile keys to the dream Look with the mind’s eye Sense of peace will hold on Relativity related



Dream watch in gold

Dream watch in gold Time is our friend While also being an adversary Trying to measure and think we control it While we travel in dream realm time doesn’t exist Giving we have a set time on this world An invented dream watch would be useful Make the time for any of our dreams Gold would be the holder Give out when we are children By this goals in dreams would rise Would make any problem seem recyclable Helping others becomes the golden rule Challenges would be there Last minute would mean turn on the watch In a second dream cleans the challenge Tapping our minds power for all Crazy in times of insanity it’s needed Peace and happiness becoming stronger Instead of a fantasy that doesn’t seem to exist Give the thought to dream May become stronger than the idea of flight Dream watch in gold

Dream to sleep

Dream to sleep Lay my head down Closed is my eyes My mind darkens Then warm white lights grow Sleep off in the distance This is a dimension journey Senses still active Limbs paralyzed slowly I think dream Yes dream sleep will follow In moments home seems a distant memory Where my spirit takes me or dream director’s call Lucidity, precognitive or just plain adventure Off to ancient sacred land Dream to sleep

Calmness walks the reality illusions

Calmness walks the reality illusions With all the easy payments Earn degrees at your finger tips No worries studies have shown they change like the market Angered is the friendly neighbor Breaking like toothpicks Minds are becoming fragile While a clown laughs in a private jet Breaking bread that many can’t afford Hold on wait for the crumbs to fall off the table No need to tell you expensive wine is good for your soul All make choices wink wink no one’s fault It was a right turn only should off went left This is what others call your entitlement Let the others be what they are Magicians come in all suits Stay calm like a gentle sea breeze No need for rush Calmness walks the reality illusions

Dream watch ? (click to enlarge)


What hotel or Motel chain will be the first?

What hotel or Motel chain will be the first? I’m really thinking that traditional books are gonna become an endangered species soon. Now which chain of hotel or motel chain will be the first to offer the bible on EBOOK and which reader will be in room. Maybe I’m ahead of the curve or just being a bit optimistic. Anyways I wonder if the ebook reader will become one of the most stolen items from a room if this happens. Who would of ever thought that ebooks would finally get some acceptance in the first place. Sillier things have happened and have changed are lives in one way or another. This is only the beginning also, soon or cell phones will carry our check book or debit or credit. You know the big cellular companies are salivating over this, imagine not only a bank charge but have to pay the company a service fee for having these apps on your phone. In any case scenario, hold tight to your dollars. Somewhere somehow they will give some things free while charging us just enough whe

For A Great Friend

It's been year Dec 1st . There is a side of me that thinks, hey i'll see ya.Though in reality i know that will never happen on this plain.You made many of us laugh,and your kindness was really incredible at times. Wish I knew your pain better I would of tried like hell to help.I do hope there is internet where you are now,like a great friend you may not understand what I do, but you were there to check it out.When we would goof, we had many laughs.We had no ego problems with one another,we could make fun of ourselves and laugh till our souls hurt. Our adventures didn't make much sense, until now.Like losing a brother, I could go on and on,do hope peace has been found for you.Me well working through the why part like many of us, we aren't angry,sad mostly like we should of been right there.So I do hope you can do the truffle shuffle up where you are,for heaven to me seems a bit stuffy,Tommy hope you do get internet there, and listen for our prayers man you are in my hear