
Showing posts from July, 2013

Eerily weird

Eerily weird   Having skin having bones Still I become invisible May be the age Or have this become part of the way I sail the daydream Others talk like they feel a ghost without seeing Find it interesting almost fun Disappearing with no one noticing Like this invisible ink Many see and then never think again about it A theory of the eerie I would say the words were weird There will not be any answers from silent readers Sorry for not being the text message all seem to read Especially when I am near Soon off to another daydream trip Words may follow or maybe the dimension crosses No tickets needed no waiting Eerily weird

Miss it

Miss it I remember the hood At times like yesterday Summer days of getting chores done Then until sunset the day of adventure Care free bike ride to the lake Or the brook adventure Laughing and discussing with friends Never looking out to the future Only what or imaginative ways could come up with The years try to distant you from the hood Bonds of real friends break The hood was important Hiking adventures or just plain imagination fun Young adulthood changed our paths Dabbling in taboo things First loves forty five degreed the rest of the bond Memories of those fun days Brings the warmth of the sun on a brook on what life has shown The words bring pictures while the years try and blur Yes the hood is here in the mind For a child is still holding it there Grow up never forget childhood And you will never Miss it

Dream a Brainshark visit July 25th

Dream a Brainshark visit July 25 th            My dream started on a bright sunny day. I met up with Brainshark who gave the crystal sword for the house was filled with beings humanoid with an advantage of being able to take form of nightmare beings. They fought hard but having the Brainshark as an ally they never had a chance. I find this dream to be encouraging and of course inspiring this story has been kicking in my imagination for months and sits unfinished. I do many other writings and this one needs work. Imagination knocks should I listen I do have other stories that are coming along nicely. Brainshark doesn’t visit like he use too. I really should take bits and pieces of the dream and fit it in the story. I am happy that I had this dream. Maybe the inner imagination master is trying to get the rest of me to get working again on this.

Where the bleep did respect go?

Where the bleep did respect go?       Does anyone remember respect and what it used to stand for? I guess giving respect is the new target for people who don’t have a clue. It’s obvious that self-respect has passed many by. Does it stem from there? If respecting oneself means you understand that morals and scruples and ethics are a good trait, many missed this boat. Is it the way we are taught now, that everyone gets respect without learning that boundaries are lines that shouldn’t be crossed. Maybe the confusion lies within the disrespect. This isn’t how you get respect though. I would love to understand this new way of thinking. For I have not found any respect only from the elderly. Could it stem from the medications that so many are on now?   The focus medication kids are passed out now more than candy on Halloween. This society I walk in does make me wonder how many rose colored glasses parents wear. Yes most children are good, there is many though are one step from being f

When connected

When connected         Lucky are ones who find a great connection. One that is equal. Sharing and walking the good and bad while having a laugh. They say studies show we are social creatures, while many feel so alone. In the modern times you have to fit a certain criteria for many. You have to have status symbols. Dresses a certain way have a certain body.   Being clever and witty and offer wisdom makes others bored. Many walk in society’s blindness of this for this is very acceptable. Imagine if a certain someone had these views some two thousand years ago Funny how many think they are better than this. While they see themselves the perfect one, or the forgiveness is so easy for a true believer can be. If a kindred spirit walks in to some one’s life should we not try and bond and never let go. The rarity of this must astronomical like a connection lottery. A road seems long when no one else is there to share the journey. Maybe a longer search or open the eyes to ones who are cl

Please no leftovers

Please no leftovers            In this day and time do really need leftovers? I am not talking about meatloaf or lasagna, I am talking the cute quotes or an animal doing something silly or what people know animals would say a normal thing. Once is plenty, and on the social networks one request for one game is enough thank you. We all have leftovers, waiting for the moment where I say wow that is new. I will not touch the misinformed political stuff, just if you are gonna post something stupid back it up with some facts. Yes the social networks are fun and a laugh every now and then. Let’s get some originality. Everyone says they think for themselves prove it. You don’t have to be a Shakespeare or King or even a Poe. Come up with something that gets people to say wow or even that is different. I know the pictures make life so much easier and spewing other peoples or groups words makes you look clever and witty. Sorry this only makes you like everyone else part of a herd. Maybe

Beauty and handsome

Beauty and Handsome   I said the same words, everyone silent A handsome says it, everyone is awed in his brilliance Woman sings like an angel, everyone laughs at her looks Beauty can shake the curves, everyone says what talent Animals go by sight not the mind Another fall to apes We love illusions that go pretty While truths of what the mirror says to us this hurts more Admire ones who would walk by if you were on fire Unless they have a camera handy and become a good shoot A world of beauty only to the real seers Handsome and beauty would say this also if other would nod Yes a day at the unfair grounds Wait, handsome and beauty winked Not at me just at each other Beauty should be in mind Handsome needs a heart This will never reach society’s beauties I know many who are handsome and beauty Without hot photos and with brilliance Let the heart show your true beauty while others sip the illusion Smile for you are wh

Wacky here is mind

Wacky here is mind   How I wish one word explained Or thoughts would stop for more words Insanity seems a rather safe place Crazy only when sleeping The lips don’t speak many Fingers say so much more in a few hours Into venture it seems My mind voices say hello Enjoy the visit the way out is right there The quiet one does our bidding Many of you walk past like now This adventure makes theme parks envy Some say yeah right Did you write this? Scared to try or in a nervous way you just giggled The price is your imagination and you get more than you pay Wacky here is mind

The ease of wisdom

The ease of wisdom         The days of learning and understanding wisdom seems to be extinct. Now you just find a web site that has wisdom quotes click the share button or cut and paste. Awesomely cool and what a price you had to pay free. Now the cost was the creator, this may have took minutes to hours to years. Most lived in poverty and never enjoyed the pleasure of others quickly adopting their motto. I say motto for if you haven’t lived this or really read on how this came about it’s really just a motto. I do love the internet access to information. The cost like most things that are free only really hurts the ones who live to share things. The flipside like all great things in this society is the big business making the money while everyone enjoys the cost of free. Why is this like this? Where does this end? Most of us creators don’t want the billions or millions just enough to keep us from becoming so poor from working jobs that take more than just physical to do the job.

Day reflection a mind’s mirror

Day reflection a mind’s mirror         Sleep and time is cravings lately think it’s my age. Others look and see the half of no one a reminder that a piece is missing. Should look and be happy that they are a complete whole so when they do find the other whole is two strong instead of a half. The reflection makes me wonder about some goals I have set for this year. In reflection I wonder if a revisit to some other things may help. Creatively using much restraint, I do wonder why and the logical side interjects and says to tidy up some other adventures. Words and thoughts is the half that completes me, who else has this I wonder? My ‘Thomas Basille and Mr. Pib beagle’ face book page has picked up some fans. This is always welcome to more. Feel free to like it also. Have also looked at one of my poems ‘Began on a whim’ over 1500 views this is eating at my creativity. I wonder if there could be a beginning of a book there. This makes me wonder who else has these reminders or sign

Time found

Time found In youth time seems so distant Seeing death as a stopwatch Still the future seems too far to care Simple times of laughs and tears With us walking the seconds of life’s clock Jumping it seems like blinks until a close to heart stops Like a punch in the head the numbness makes us realize The clock is ticking life goes through the seconds Wasted are the chances of wisdom   Of others hands that held your passion Then like the next best pleasure dropped in the storage Addicted to lust never diving for deep love Time a friend that is constant love and hate The amusement ride that is better than any near death Life’s pill we swallowing with every breath Many look and wait While others embrace and try endlessly to grab Latching on to the past of what was While a tap on the shoulder from the hands Feared is the future while turning and seeing Time found

A little bit from Thomas Basille and Mr Pib beagle

“Mr. Pib what are you going on about?” asks Tom while he is walking towards the dog. Mr. Pib growled and barks some more. Tom approaches the edge of the lawn where there is long grass and some wild shrubbery, “Come on Pib boy why are you taking on so.” Tom as he gets closer he sees something dark about three feet from the edge of the lawn. ‘Hard to make out what it is without getting closer.’ Tom thought. He noticed a small dead tree nearby, going over he broke a branch off so he could do an examination at a distance. As he gets closer seemed like a large lump of hair, then he started to notice a putrid smell. A smell that he had never smelt before, he turned some of the hair over with the stick and saw a bunch of maggots and flies everywhere. This rocks him back on his feet. Having never seen anything dead before put him in a state of shock for a moment gasping for air from the smell and shock he turns and looks at the house. Read the rest for $.99 ebook

Cup’s bottom

Cup’s bottom Looks like the end Maybe a new beginning Life continues with full or some or none Refill with a favorite or something new Drink enjoy may be bitter or sweet or pure enjoyment The bottom may look wall like only to help hold dreams Without they would be everywhere Hot or cold only an imagination makes limits Firmly hold and strive for another bottom Some see their future here Others hope to find their faith justified A cup a glass a bottom is really the same only self-limits this Cheers to others in this way Clink the rims the sides bottom is the ride Cup’s bottom