Please no leftovers

Please no leftovers


         In this day and time do really need leftovers? I am not talking about meatloaf or lasagna, I am talking the cute quotes or an animal doing something silly or what people know animals would say a normal thing. Once is plenty, and on the social networks one request for one game is enough thank you. We all have leftovers, waiting for the moment where I say wow that is new. I will not touch the misinformed political stuff, just if you are gonna post something stupid back it up with some facts. Yes the social networks are fun and a laugh every now and then. Let’s get some originality. Everyone says they think for themselves prove it. You don’t have to be a Shakespeare or King or even a Poe. Come up with something that gets people to say wow or even that is different. I know the pictures make life so much easier and spewing other peoples or groups words makes you look clever and witty. Sorry this only makes you like everyone else part of a herd. Maybe to make everyone feel comfortable will say it easier Baa Baa Baaa. I do hope this just rattles you some for I think everyone has a lot to offer they just want someone else to think and come up with it. Though if this offends you in anyway, you can comment just be respectful for if you are upset to comment on this, it has obviously got your brain working, and you are welcome. Peace to all. Oh yeah if you really want to offend me buy one of the books on here, joking well did you buy.


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