
Showing posts from October, 2013

Soul alone

Soul alone Created from thin air Or maybe a chemical spark Concept to repeat In a world two makes one Life the theory of one for everyone Unrealized the laws of the animal kingdom In reason must be something more A committee deciding what the truth is and what could have been said Any animal feelings sway decisions Alone the passion shared with nothing A deeper awareness craves a connection Wanting and yearning the merge Soul waiting for the turn While many never appreciate what they have No teary moment seems to matter Any truths may be the last lie For in the end we are there Soul alone

When fate jingles

When fate jingles Hours turns to months then years Some days they seem like hours Sad and great days reflected in seconds Lost in the memories of material Love, how you have become a life comedy Truth and tragedy The self-absorption era The confused man walks the sidewalk No help from others While the stray dog has traffic jams I see the romance of good ole days now Pressure of being a tycoon Reins our ways Days of being comfortable and a simple life Now in the pages of so so novels Fate works to keep most of us grounded Lost in the acronyms of today When fate jingles

A question popped up today.

A question popped up today.         A coworker today asked an interesting question. I found this question in my mind for a while. The question I guess would bother some people. I will give you some backstory first. My mother always said when I was baby I could entertain myself for hours. This may or not be the answer to this question I will get too soon. Yes I was married once, like a cliché we just didn’t mix well after a few years and just argued way too much. On the other hand many people who are loosely friends of mine some are closer than others. Mainly though I will touch on the romance department, this is something I know I must have some kind of responsibility too. I have been let down more often by women than really any one person should have to count. So like I said to my coworker why bother, a form of insanity is repeating some with the same results over and over again. So now I will get to the question. I have been totality single for the last eight years.   Now t

If others knew

If others knew Life has windows for all A few are mirrors Many seems to avoid these Only use windows for others to see their problems Not even taking a minute and thinking wait Other may have problems themselves No time for that I have the world you live it on it Some of us keep our problems our own Blame of others must have some limitations Humor at ones expense only lets other know the personal mirror is covered Spew words thinking other will not challenge shows lack of compassion Not realizing the words are like a song in repeat Yes a boy cried wolf To the point of the well went dry I have faults, are much more interesting than a delusion illusion Remember when the door doesn’t open For silence can be a shout If others knew  

A shadow a dream a ghost

A shadow a dream a ghost In the depths of a dream Beyond fantasy In wonder of if life was different Share a blanket watching stars Talking silly hopeful desires Kiss from the lips of human wine Like the shadow that keeps me in the dusk A faint whisper of the reality that is now A ghost I have seem to become The wonders of life measured by simple silly of never In between the shadow and ghost The existence must have a better measurement The connection only comes late Time you must have a better punch line Fate the real standup comedian Laughing at his own jokes while time applauds for more A shadow a dream a ghost

An Ouija pizza (It’s Halloween Time)

                                An Ouija pizza (IT’s Halloween Time)           Like a normal night Ted ordered a pizza. The delivery came and seemed like it was going to be a normal night. Tipped the delivery guy and set the pizza on the table. He grabbed some napkins and a plate. He thinks some parmesan cheese would make it perfect. He looks in the fridge first. Realizing he used up what was left last time he decided never mind. He sits down to get a slice and sees a message wrote on the pizza with the pepperoni. “Canister cupboard.” The message read. Shocked by the message. He asked out loud. “How could this be?” He goes looks, and sitting in the back of some cracker boxes, new parmesan can. “I’ll be damned.” He thought.   He turns and looks down at the pizza it answers “You’re welcome.” “So my pepperoni pizza is possessed, maybe I should call and see if I can get a new one?” Ted asks openly. The pizza replies “That would be crazy.” He chuckles yeah that would be a bit craz

No one goes here

No one goes here Before anyone gets some where No one goes here Not backed by multi million dollars A story that is solid No mega level promotion The head hurts from banging against the wall Sure you have to start somewhere No one goes here A chance is all is asked Support barely through the cracks Like a boy in a new town Thomas Basille would love company Still no one goes here Tom Basille and Mr Pib beagle. Moved with his parents from the big city to get away from the stress of city life. While two clans of vampires and werewolves battle for the crossover rock, while he meets the protectors of the rock some secrets start to get revealed. Part 1 the first day in the rural town to start the less stress life turns a bit hectic. Show more Show less CLICK HERE