
Showing posts from August, 2015

Outside the sky

Outside the sky Close to near Feeling the warmth of the skin Day after day and talked The small talk and ho hum life routines Many dream to be in space While reality it is a life for some A meteorite in a crowd Stationary compared how many zoom by and watch the handheld mirror A saying bounces the brain, lonely here in space On hot days cold as hell Small to the vastness of others looking for halos One day masses crashes Become as one Hard to enter this sky though Clouds get in the way of real dreams Outside the sky 

Shattered heart then crushed

Shattered heart then crushed A sparkling smile While the eyes whisper faintly There seems to be no way to fix this In reality seeing the real vision only cracks the heart more A one sided and a keep it real of not happening A cruel and delightful way to be with Close gentle body and skin touches Simple jokes that plays in the eyes Heart bows to a hand and sobs While the memories of never and lost Knowing others have and did better Wounds are now part of the body The hap-les romantic damned Cupid’s own stress toy Until this curse ends The puzzles of the heart even crushed Finds the way to get an angel to smile Shattered heart then crushed