Hieroglyphs If Only ?

Do we live in an age where pictures is the only way to communicate ideas, silly thoughts? Maybe the Egyptians had something to this, it was definitely more work than snapping a photo. But still I’m on the net a lot and it seems video and pictures for that matter get way more views than written out blogs. I know a picture is worth a thousand words , in this day and age really does seem more attractive then words. So that would mean it’s worth much more than a thousand words. Maybe would explain the reason that US is falling behind in the reading category. Egytians though way it is understood only the aristocrats were allowed to write. Hieroglyphs were used by many cultures so it was more common in the beginning of civilizations. Words have so much more meaning though ,also it demands more from one’s mind. Since I do not have pictures to put here may have trouble having people view this. The hieroglyph era has a resurgence with body ink , so I guess many like being walking hieroglyph billboards. To be this is a way of being different? That’s what many tell me. But the many text message also , I like to call this Shades for you really can’t see or hear for that matter what they are saying , which is none my business , but they act like it is a message from the FBI or something like that. Pictures and texts that’s our new form of communicating. What will be the next big thing? I’m thinking telepathy now wouldn’t that be something you look at someone. To get their frequency you maybe have to like blink twice while they make eye contact . Could what is being typed out right now be somekind of ancient text in the future? Will the experts figure out what this little blog is trying to tell them in the future.But then again in the far future we go back to using print and our mind to communicate ideas . Things do seem to run cycles, maybe take a few eons but it does repeat itself. Traditionalist really have never crossed my mind.I have always enjoyed new ideas and cutting edge technology .All in all we all should be taking classes in symbolism for it seems we will be needed this in the future , Universities will need professors in these fields.Understanding this video message , and what novel is this picture trying to tell you? May the typers unite and make things more interesting for the rest of us This will get them gazeebanauted . Thanks again for checking this out until next time subscribe to this. PS it’s the picture down the screen.


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