In a Dream

To lay on the clouds with only sneakers . Licking ice cream from the container . Playing poker while flying between stars . Cramped in a box holding millions of others . Could be considered insane , but rain does fall up here. It’s the place where common ideas seem so passé . Having fantasy with desirable people wait this is reality .Many of us have these at all times in our life. To feel inadequate from others seems almost instinctual, envy you dangerous siren, you capture many but never give any note of ransom .Conversation with gossip magazines ,could we just think our own life is so boring? When we have the best computer that money can’t buy . Our brains was built by nature or supreme being ill be fair here . Though I am on the side where I think it’s just nature or as I would like to say Mother apple . Though we may not know how to make wireless calls with our brains yet I do believe one day it will be possible . The human race has made so many strides and It does seem to be evolving even more . In a dream we may be able to drop in on loved ones or friends even people that have passed . Flavors of the silicon chip will become museum pieces . Comes down do we just want to sit and not do anything or do we want to obtain these moments . Maybe getting in a dream would get us to speed the process up more and more . Dreams are always playing when we slide into sleep , or with me writing this and you reading this are we both in a dream we are sharing? Some cultures have this belief , well some do some have gotten all cool with modernization . The by product of us being so advance while we lost some humanly qualities . This may be just a ramble or In a dream that some how was put in a blog. But why not sleep on this and have some pleasant dreams and journal them in the morning and share with others.


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