Snack for Brain

Teaching kids right from wrong seems a bit challenging nowadays . To tell that you shouldn’t do this or it’s ok to do that,is a thing of the past.Why are people so scared from some positive negativity?I mean that’s why there is the ten commandments , laws and ethics. Politeness and kindness grows when you know what is good and not good to do or say.Manners shouldn’t be a story that in my day that is what we use to do. Look at some older stories with messages . Aesop Fables is one of these story tellers that had some little messages that had messages and ethics. Yes and another bad word philosophy, when did these words and things become such a bad thing.To love to learn should not be one of the seven sins and guess what it isn’t. No matter how much anyone wants to spin this it isn’t bad to want to improve oneself.Wonder sometimes how bad was some ones childhood where they will automatically go into denial if their kid has done something wrong. Ranting yes for respect seems to be dying, especially when you give respect and a good portion of younger people don’t ,it’s a blessing when any one gives you respect back. But like most things it seems like respect and manners and honesty is becoming like Aesop’s fables in a book and probably not being told or read .Society is being gazeebanauted ,and lets try and get back what has been lost. They can take much from us but being an ethical and honest person is not a weakness in being human.


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