Internet geographic (should be a magazine)

Internet geographic (should be a magazine)

Really the time has come for the Internet Geographic magazine. The issues could show different cultures and the net with them. Heck show wildlife working the internet, in depth reporting on scams and how people fall for them. Think about the education it could be with video and other crazy ideas. Show the evolution of different sites. Why stop at one magazine instead of Nature we could have the Web. Anthropologists should be lining up as we speak for this. Interview the people who distrust the internet so much, but still find ways of being here. Technology needs to be study in a human way, showing the everyday stuff with stories how us old timers as kids did things. Have the older crowd explain how they used paper for records and did face to face meetings. Simply put I myself think there is a hole in this realm of this market and someone may listen. Give the computer, tablets, smart phones, and other devices that haven’t been thought of yet a chance. How you have friends over thousands of miles away and never have met them. We all have heard about online romances. I have personally seen online arguments; this would also help with online bullying. Of course pictures would be from anyone, have some professionals, just maybe some honest reporting would be such a nice change of venue. Guessing this may be just one of my crazy idea moments but if anyone thinks it’s great idea you are more than welcome to it, maybe I could get a column for this magazine. Peace to all the readers and future readers.


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