Drive thru (guess it’s the new texting lane)

Drive thru (guess it’s the new texting lane)

Guess this will have to come out. I decided to get a Dunkin Donuts coffee this afternoon. Now in the past drive thru was for quicker service. Until lately this is like the third time this has happened, I considered myself very patient. After saying this I realize my patience must be slipping. I will not give gender or age in this matter, I’m all for technology also. But for those who feel the need to start texting while waiting to put your order in please realize there could be others behind that would like the line to move not seeing you looking down and typing a way, and not even paying attention that the car in front of you has already ordered, paid , received, and has moved on to the street ,whilst me and now four other vehicles get to watch while you keep texting. Come on people how important can the text be, if it was that important wouldn’t be a voice call. Or am I just getting old and don’t have the patience to wait an extra ten minutes for something that should only be a minute. This has happened at other places also, once was hit by a shopping cart twice for the person was texting and of course not paying much to anything else. What people do with their own time and space is their business, but come on to walk in some else’s shoes and have to deal with your neglect, should not make you wonder why you get the dirty look. Anyways who will be the first to call the drive thru line the text and when you are ready to order line.  Peace all  


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