My Definition of Irony

Before the internet, yes I'm showing my age. So many people would ask"hey what are you writing?" Now I share my writings freely and willingly very few will even take a look.Maybe if I did this in total invite only people may get more curious? Very ironic and humorous at the same time. Yes it is humorous to me anyways.If it wasn't so ironic may take this more personal, I'm still having fun though and for those who do take the time and read, a huge thank you. May work on finding some drama for the inner hunger most seem to have. Take life in stride and will share with anyone, I don't claim to be anyone just a general guy having fun with some words.If I thought to live this way,I would be very thin by now. Irony seems to be my real friend, it does have some warmth to it.With that I can be happy with. A moment is caught again at this point of time, Videos are getting easier to make, my Digi art I am still having fun with also.My Kindle book well Its there so if anyone wants it ninety nine cents is quite expensive now a days also. I will keep in my memory for a long time, how a friend saw one of my journals open and beagn reading when I was away from the table and he said he would like to see more well this will be two hundred and twenty now, I am sharing as they say. So there you have it my definition of Irony, my good friend. cheers all. And of course will see more and more.....


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