A pizza story

A pizza story

I have seen witnessed many moments working late at the pizza shop, with twenty years of serving food to the public hard to start. See place I worked at was roughly center where the bar crowd would gather. I have witnessed fights to people getting naked in the dining room kind of all gels together. One story seems to always stick in my mind. Sunday evenings usually slow down around eight or so, I notice a younger gentleman looking in the dining room, so I did my part in asking anything I can do for you? He just said he was looking around and sees if he could remember where he was sitting. So I ask well then what are you looking for we clean the table’s right after customers leave. Then he explained he was in late night before, I worked the night before and it was on the real busy side. We didn’t have any extra items. He then explains that he was so intoxicated that he passed out; I smiled and said that isn’t uncommon here after the bars let out. Then the big question came from him, I had a pizza here last night here. I said ok but what did you lose? I lost my pizza. I see I said well if you passed someone or one of your friends may have taken it from you, then the gentleman says there is no chance you put in a cooler and kept till I came back, I said no we throw any food items out when people are done. Then the young gentleman, said so you haven’t seen my pizza then have you?


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