There be Vampires

There be Vampires

     Myths, legends and urban legends fact is they do exist. Look at the media some people who just know you will feel worse after they leave. Sucking your positive energy convincing you verbally or psychically sadly though cross and garlic doesn’t help. Some use religion to zap your energy away trying to make you feel guilty for not doing your religious way. The world has changed this is justified for their own personal cause. Fear and anger keeps their ball rolling do many join them I ask? Being true to one self not inviting them in to your mental state, they will troll you leave you without any words not a thank you or a good reason. Like the Dracula from the movies I am not talking about the new breed of born again ones. Maybe this is their way of making people trust them. Show on the outside we have change become younger and handsome so others will accept you more. Reality TV drains mass intelligence lowers the bar for good entertainment. Give them blood and guts and show them peace doesn’t really work. Vampires work in ways of getting through to your own beliefs and will change them to fit their objective. Misinform make the people who don’t challenge themselves to learn more weigh both sides of the issue let them use their own logic. Sadly they attack your feelings and make you feel less cause you haven’t done more. Wouldn’t it be nicer if they did just want your blood but the brain washing is all around? Attack is their way through the defenses and just keeps pounding till their agenda is answered. Like the vampires of old will leave you to suffer and then if you say what about me, it is your fault. If ever there could be a need for a hero like a Brainshark is now coming soon in the hopes of the one who types this.


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