Posts on social sites. Does this say anything about you?

Posts on social sites. Does this say anything about you?


            I today have thought about the posts we like and share and sometimes comment on. I wonder what this says about our mental state. I see some are a bit over patriotic, is this from fear or are you just that patriotic. Some well have a strong sex thing going. That is no surprise that is just the juvenile tendencies. Then comes the current event ones, this seems to show they care about many issues. Just maybe a news hound then comes the cries for attention posts these seem to be a bit easily to figure out. Call this small talk in this day and age just want some attention to ease the pain or show hey I really have a problem someone like it or comment. Last but not least comes a few that like to offer some kind of an artistic and maybe some entertainment for the mind. I personally know this one, friends or lets be nice call them online acquaintances. If I was to post something really funny they share this like there is no tomorrow and will most likely comment on this. Let me post something they may of took me less than an hour but lots of thought or days to months this usually will go unnoticed yes a few who would be considered good friends tend to do what they can to help. This is where I get a bit confused or concerned still thinking this one out. What would be the crime if you aren’t interested but do like and consider this person who posts their creation a good read and a share, in some cases just a like after a good look or read? I will use a hypothetical situation Maggie a facebook user will say something like did the grocery shopping and frantically the likes and comments will blaze to her. A person named Bob for a month has worked on a piece of writing with losing sleep and going nuts getting it right, doesn’t even get a like. Is this some kind of poetic joke? Hopefully someone somewhere will explain this all to me. For now it is frustrating the hell out of me. I will ask seems like a waste of words but please give some feedback on this my curiosity is really going nuts on this. For I write would love to see a Maggie moment.  


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