The dark side moment

                                                   The dark side moment

         In my early age had so much positivity the world was going to be mine. Age has a sense of humor though; I still am positive though time and age has set me back on wanting the world. True I have my mind space which is mine. The realization of being pretty much alone for the rest of my life seems to be evident. I still have family though my parents have passed on. Night and day would describe my personality with my sibling. Old friends have become fond younger memories and some of them have passed on. Now I am becoming set in my ways yes I know it’s my bed and I don’t mind lying in it. The dark side is I still like to reach out every now and then though many take this and run to never repay. Maybe that’s why this writing has become more important to me then dealing with others. “Thomas Basille and Mr. Pib beagle” has become my little moment of the bright side. Some have enjoyed this story and would love to see more people enjoy this for there is more to come in the next few months I will be releasing another book a friend that has been with me for many years now will be in a novel. The darkness of seeing and hearing people how much they enjoy other things while I know my book would bring some enjoyment to them and they spend more on these other things. Enough with my pity party this does help get the crap out of me the dark stuff. This is my escape for I do love to write and my way of healing. Guess every time I do write something is like a new member of my family for all to see and judge. Thank you for your time. I did enjoy doing “Sunrise 1am” also these books are available at amazon digital and print. Print is available at any bookstore just have to order this. If you do a big thank you for you would be supporting a writer and would fund more book projects in the future. Thank you again for your time to read this.


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