What’s our nature?

What’s our nature?


      I write this with much curiosity. I hear many complain that the weather is too hot or too cold. Does anyone ever wake up and say I alive and love taking the first awake breath of the day? Do you think oh great my life is not what I wanted? Ever feel contented? Yes it is a struggle if things are going good why try and bring the rain cloud your way before you have even started the day? Others for the good of their soul look for god to make everything alright, maybe he is a bit busy with other things that go on in the universe, why not do some things for yourself to make it better. Could this be where we lose our responsibility of taking it for ourselves? Lots of things have happened and it does seem we look for ways out or leave it for the next person to deal with. Maybe it stems from many don’t respect themselves enough to do this. Now we are made in god’s eye, how about showing some respect to him them. I am far from religious I do have respect for myself though and cherish my life and respect others. Life is more than what you have or what you can get. Why don’t we change some thoughts here and give some doesn’t have to be material, a smile a short hello? If you are humorous say something funny everyone loves something humorous. Here’s some other ideas instead of taking the, I don’t know bit. Why not read and learn something that you don’t. We all have the gift to give just we are being too selfish. Oh if someone is kind and shows it often let them know now, before it’s too late in life. This is just my thought for now. I am a humanity lover and I know we all can be this.


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