A violent state

                                        A violent state


        Once again so called humans make my mind wonder. We say we don’t like violence, it makes big money though. Of course when it spills in the streets by something lower than hazardous waste, is how you get a point across? I find this only a point of where humans want extinction. If this was religious based and was sanctioned keep your god. A true human would organize and start a peaceful movement. When will start and look at someone else and say I may not like your actions or you personally I will just let you be. I find these contaminated acts of violence just not worth giving you your right to trial. I really think when others do this whoever it may be should be an automatic instant justice. No trial so they can tell why or what it stands for. To give any more exposure justifies more acts like this. Like many my heart goes to the people who were there, I can’t imagine going through this. I also think that giving this huge media attention gives the bio hazards that did this only makes them feel they did their job well. They also are a bit of a one celled mentality, if they really believe in what they did or what one did would have stood up and said here I am. Of course like the bio hazard they are they hide. I just know violence doesn’t solve violence in a country that thirsts for it.  That shows a bit of being less than an average intelligence. I am upset, and your little moment will not change me for I grew up when we enjoyed freedoms. I know what it means to dream of a better world where people used tools for reals reasons. Now religion has stepped in the act of terrorism everyone says it’s just are just missed informed, then the ones who control the masses educate the sheep. This must stop or our species will end up in some kind of a museum of another species that will become the so called top of the chain. We should work on other things. If we live with violence as our entertainment the sword has another edge. A violent state.


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