Behold all not just the heart

Behold all not just the heart


           Life isn’t fair. Now this should be a whole course through schools. This will prepare the future of our young. Instead we all want just the best for the young. Such good intentions only lead to when the world hits them. Crushed is the heart. A little truth for the young would be better than for them to find that life is not just to be feared and do what you are told and believe in a system that has basically been stacked. For everyone’s real love wealth, I am no different to be financially comfortable would make life so much smoother. I don’t mean easier, life never gives you that much. Maybe I am wrong I just know if you show you are different in the herd of other classmates. They at best beat you to a corner, if things were different back then. Who knows maybe I would be doing these and other words for a living. I do write and have always loved telling stories. I always enjoyed expressing ideas through stories, enough with that, if anyone has children and see they have some talents for something don’t think the school will nurture this. Through the mechanism of society they like the herd to become as one, makes it easier for the military, the work force. They will have enough individuality to become the good uninformed citizen and fall behind the most confident spinster. Hey who ever said life wasn’t absurd. This is where true comedy comes to mind. Some become addicted and the way society puts addictions on a pedestal, so many become to the thought this is who I am isn’t it cool. Anyways don’t worry about your child’s heart behold the whole mind and soul, before they go and repeat the sorry history.


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