A year ago tonight

A year ago tonight

       Last year on this date I got home and had a good conversation with my mom. Little did I know this would be the last time we would talk face to face. The next morning I found her, she passed on sometime in the morning. She looked peaceful that has gave me the strength knowing the last moments were peaceful. This after less than two years my father passed away. A few months after his passing on I decided to move in and help my mom. I never knew of her while I was alive to have even a good week. I do hope in some ways there is a heaven for her to healthy and happy and with my father. I know many who read may think it’s silly and a bit lame to write this. I don’t apologize for this, something I really need to do. When you lose a parents or parents even though they teach you well a small piece of you is gone. Especially when you get to a certain age and they are more like your friend. Guess I am writing this to let others know if your parents are still alive never be scared to go talk with them or let them know you really do appreciate them being part of your life. I do talk with them now. I still haven’t found them answering like they use too. This may seem like a ramble for me it helps my way on the path. This path seems a bit wider and longer now. Good or bad I will not know this until I get to that point of life where like all of us will do at one point slip to the other side. This is where I think we all should look at; let’s not think of the sadness when we pass but those little moments where smiles emerge that twinkle in the eye that no one knows how or why it got there. This for my mom I am happy hope your worries of me and the rest of us stuck at the life station is unneeded. May it be awhile before we hug again with all my heart I miss you mom. Sept.13, 2012. This will always be with me.


  1. Hi, i stumbled across your page this morning & read your post. My grandmother, who was my world, birthday is Sept.13. She passed in 2001. I think of her & the wonderful memories everyday. i miss her so much! I just have the faith that we will reunite again one day; in that beautiful place that we all want to see. thanks for your post. i plan to read all of them. =)


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