Why the anger?

Why the anger?


            Like most of us I read articles on here. I do also read the comments so much venom. Why? This isn’t a way to make things better, if anything keeps the hate fires going. Guess listening to the words if you have nothing better to say would useless to finish this statement. I know why political parties have trouble getting along even though they are really paid to come to a compromise for the better of the citizens. I will not go there will only spark the hatred pill. I see so much beauty in this world; others may see this if they would just enjoy a moment of this. Find the balance I know there is no way to stop the anger and hate. There must be some peace in these people. If not maybe being part of a society is more work than you should handle and become recluse. Is it because some are doing better than these people this is part of life. I guess it is true we do live in interesting times. Maybe we have such a belief in some others opinions it has moved into the god part of the brain. This is a place where it’s like a safe box and no one can open this and change this. Sad for an open mind always grows while the closed becomes smaller and smaller. So find balance in your life anger is such a waste of a good human, plus honey does always get the bees. Vinegar keeps anyone who would like to discuss and have healthy criticism about any subject away.  


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